Mastercard and Network International, the leading enabler of digital commerce across the Middle East and Africa, have collaborated to roll out Mastercard Installments in...
Mastercard and First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB) announced an exclusive long-term global partnership, building on their long-standing collaboration, in the Eastern Europe, Middle East,...
Mastercard with Central Bank of Jordan (CBJ) collaborates to develop a payment ecosystem digitization blueprint for the country. The collaboration supports the Central Bank...
Astra Tech disclosed record-breaking figures for the fintech sector with its financial offerings. Through its collaboration with Mastercard, the company has issued over 100,000...
The partnership seeks to foster sustainable economic growth activities, further enhancing the digital payments landscape and driving inclusive economic development in Egypt
Paymob announces a partnership with Mastercard to accelerate digital payment acceptance across the MENA region.
The strategic omnichannel partnership will leverage Paymob’s payments infrastructure and...